Saturday, April 5, 2008

Wasting away

So I'm standing at the front desk as I often do and I get an email from some dear friends (shout out to Cambria and Sally) stating they created blobs and decided I needed to create one as well. Now everyone can enjoy my randomness. Topic for the day. Overpaid and underchallenged. If you're one of my friends and you probably are cause who else is gonna read this crap, you've heard me rant about the fact that I'm getting paid a decent salary to stand around and do nothing. This I do not understand. The company I sold my soul to about 12 years ago is currently in "contigency". Now this is just a fancy word that means not enough money is flowing to the bottom line and their already fat pockets. So what do we do. Well you gotta trim the fat right? Now to me that would mean maybe not having so many damn managers (why we need 17 is beyond me), but what that means to them is cutting back on associate hours and making thier managers (namely me) pick up shifts and waste a perfectly beautiful Saturday! I could be outside, I could be at the movies, I could be sleeping! Instead I'm here entertaining myself by ranting to the masses. As I'm prone to say often "That's just stupid!"
Just wanted to share, have a lovely day!

1 comment:

katie said...

add me to your blog!